The Foundation e-na'bel

The foundation was established in 2010 and originates from the former publishing house of the AMIV (Academic Association of Mechanical and Electrical Engineers) at ETH Zurich. The purpose of the foundation is to promote student projects and activities at Swiss universities.

The statutes as PDF.

The Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees currently consists of the following persons:

Angela Mühlenbroich
Raphael Rotondari
Lorenzo De Pietro
Jan-Philipp Kirsch
Michal Sudwoj


2010 The foundation e-na’bel is established and the Board of Trustees has started its work. The AMIV publishing house donates its assets to the foundation e-na’bel and dissolves definitively.
2008 The establishment of the foundation and the donation of the association's assets were decided and the initial Board of Trustees was elected.
2007 The outsourcing of CDR and WBS is completed and the association now only manages its own assets.
2005 The demand for the CDR service is declining sharply and the WBS is no longer able to cope with the restructuring at ETH and the volume. The association struggles against the prejudice of belonging to AMIV, which makes cooperation with all parties within VSETH difficult and sometimes impossible. In addition, the AMIV publishing house has no "official" status within ETH, as it neither belongs to VSETH nor is a partner organization of it. Therefore, the strategy is changed so that the CDR is integrated into the SoS, which already offers the processing of analog/digital media. In addition, the re-establishment of the WBS is prepared and this is integrated into VSETH. The goal of this divestment of all services is the donation of the association's assets to a foundation to be established, which will manage the money and return it to the student body in an appropriate form.
2000 Since the calculation and planning for the publishing of books and scripts was very time-consuming and risky, a new service WBS (Web Based Services) was established, which offered study material for exam preparation. The publishing house thus relied on print-on-demand for the first time, which reduced costs for both students and the association.
90s The CDR (CD Recording) service was established, which enabled the creation of CDs and the digitization of analog media (film, sound).
70s Since the AMIV publishing house had accumulated a large fortune since its founding, the publishing house was no longer sustainable as a commission of AMIV and an independent association was founded, and the publishing activity was spun off from AMIV.
60s Establishment of the SAB by the AMIV publishing house to sell scripts.
1909 The AMIV publishing house at ETH publishes its first script. The publishing house was responsible for printing lecture scripts.